armbian-audio-config fails in minimal images; alsa-utils missing
What happened?
I booted a minimal cli image and found audio output was muted. armbian-audio-config is supposed to set sane volumes for audio devices, but it relies on `amixer` from the `alsa-utils` package, which is not installed in a minimal image.
I originally saw this on a customized 23.02 image on an orangepipc, but I confirmed this by:
building today's main branch
booting it
Installing mpg321
Trying to play some audio file on the minijack output: `mpg321 -a hw:0 sample-15s.mp3`, which produces no audible sound
Installing `alsa-utils`
Using `alsamixer` to see that the "Line out" control of card 0 is indeed muted
Using `alsamixer` to see that the "Line out" control of card 0 is now successfully unmuted and set to 45% (0dB), presumably by `armbian-audio-config`
Using the same `mpg321` command to play audio, which is now audible
The example is maybe a bit contrived, but it serves to confirm the problem.
The main question is, is this situation: 1. Expected (i.e. not-a-bug), because a minimal image is not intended for audio, so if you need audio you should install `alsa-utils` in addition to whatever audio player you also install? 2. Unexpected (i.e. a bug), because `armbian-audio-config` should work in a minimal image too and depends on `alsa-utils`, so that should be installed in minimal packages too?
If 1., feel free to close this issue. If 2., I can prepare a PR to fix this.
Installing alsa-utils on a minimal cli orangepipc image takes up about 6MB of extra disk space (according to apt when installing it).
What happened?
I booted a minimal cli image and found audio output was muted. armbian-audio-config is supposed to set sane volumes for audio devices, but it relies on `amixer` from the `alsa-utils` package, which is not installed in a minimal image.
I originally saw this on a customized 23.02 image on an orangepipc, but I confirmed this by:
building today's main branch
booting it
Installing mpg321
Trying to play some audio file on the minijack output: `mpg321 -a hw:0 sample-15s.mp3`, which produces no audible sound
Installing `alsa-utils`
Using `alsamixer` to see that the "Line out" control of card 0 is indeed muted
Using `alsamixer` to see that the "Line out" control of card 0 is now successfully unmuted and set to 45% (0dB), presumably by `armbian-audio-config`
Using the same `mpg321` command to play audio, which is now audible
The example is maybe a bit contrived, but it serves to confirm the problem.
The main question is, is this situation:
1. Expected (i.e. not-a-bug), because a minimal image is not intended for audio, so if you need audio you should install `alsa-utils` in addition to whatever audio player you also install?
2. Unexpected (i.e. a bug), because `armbian-audio-config` should work in a minimal image too and depends on `alsa-utils`, so that should be installed in minimal packages too?
If 1., feel free to close this issue. If 2., I can prepare a PR to fix this.
Installing alsa-utils on a minimal cli orangepipc image takes up about 6MB of extra disk space (according to apt when installing it).
How to reproduce?
main (main development branch)
On which host OS are you observing this problem?
Relevant log output
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