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We need to make scripting to support automated testing from scratch. We have decide to make a BASH framework with Ansible.
We would like to automate:
initial board setup (automated 1st login)
search for boards from config file, subnet or combination,
check for services we define (port 22 for example) and mark those that are not responding but are on the list
simple tasks such as upgrade, change to beta repository, downgrade to specific kernel, etc.
run various of tasks which can be added without limits
run various of benchmarks which can be added without limits
run tasks in parallel
make reporting in HTML, XML (common and per board)
Most of those ideas are covered in some basic form in our first try:
More ideas:
I hope we will get more help on crushing down those tasks.
For the Ansible part I’m advanced on the dynamic host detection based on some user input.
Like a whole subnet or csv hosts, etc. It has 3 modes, dynamic (--list), static (--static) and debug
dynamic is the way ansible likes, ouptuts json but can be slow if a few hosts on a broad network (~25 sec on a wifi lan /24, on EACH run)
static is the fastest, it builds a static host.ini file for ansible
debug is verbose and it’s output is for human supervision of the results
Work is done on (push soon) to merge back to armbian/sa
Once it’s pushed I will move to #AR-949 and so on…
Any advice is appreciated
We need to make scripting to support automated testing from scratch. We have decide to make a BASH framework with Ansible.
We would like to automate:
initial board setup (automated 1st login)
search for boards from config file, subnet or combination,
check for services we define (port 22 for example) and mark those that are not responding but are on the list
simple tasks such as upgrade, change to beta repository, downgrade to specific kernel, etc.
run various of tasks which can be added without limits
run various of benchmarks which can be added without limits
run tasks in parallel
make reporting in HTML, XML (common and per board)
Most of those ideas are covered in some basic form in our first try:
More ideas: