- [Bug]: 30-armbian-sysinfo blocks login without internet accessAR-2501Resolved issue: AR-2501SuperKali
- Cosmetic: armbianmonitor shows command not found for iostatAR-2455Resolved issue: AR-2455GitHub
- Adjust OpenHab official documentationAR-2387
- Changing default DNS to Quad9AR-2344
- Bump all current kernels to 6.6 LTSAR-2005Resolved issue: AR-2005Igor Pecovnik
- Several small maintainace tasksAR-2000Resolved issue: AR-2000Igor Pecovnik
- Fix GitHub labeling anomalyAR-1933Resolved issue: AR-1933Kat Schwarz
- Cosmetic - UEFI install swap creationAR-1854
- Enable wireless driver for MT7915E on all kernelsAR-1817Resolved issue: AR-1817Sean Muir
- Enable wireless driver for MT7921U on all kernelsAR-1803Resolved issue: AR-1803Igor Pecovnik
- Enable riscv64 arch for i3 desktopAR-1762Resolved issue: AR-1762Igor Pecovnik
- Ubuntu Advantage is not completely removedAR-1751Resolved issue: AR-1751Igor Pecovnik
- Generate a sticky topic with instructions how to upgrade to BookwormAR-1748Resolved issue: AR-1748Werner
- Merge Odroid M1 into rockchip64 familyAR-1737Resolved issue: AR-1737Igor Pecovnik
- Adjust Bananapi WiKi PagesAR-1722Resolved issue: AR-1722Rafał Hacuś
- Update PR that was made from wrong databaseAR-1712Resolved issue: AR-1712Rafał Hacuś
- Nightly images are not build with beta repositoryAR-1707Resolved issue: AR-1707Igor Pecovnik
- Disable SKEL update mechanism from postinstAR-1706Resolved issue: AR-1706Igor Pecovnik
- Khadas Edge (RK3399) has wrong name and pictureAR-1696Resolved issue: AR-1696Rafał Hacuś
- Test as many images for upcoming 23.05 release as possibleAR-1693Resolved issue: AR-1693Igor Pecovnik
- Rock 3A is missing current kernel defAR-1685Resolved issue: AR-1685Igor Pecovnik
- Change Debian Bookworm into supported targetAR-1651Resolved issue: AR-1651Igor Pecovnik
- Add another package to minimal imagesAR-1590Resolved issue: AR-1590Igor Pecovnik
- APT cache needs to be cleaned before closing imageAR-1569Resolved issue: AR-1569Jianfeng Liu
- Move Rock5B from new to supportedAR-1566Resolved issue: AR-1566Werner
- Disable event debuggingAR-1533Resolved issue: AR-1533Igor Pecovnik
- Implement board vendor filterAR-1515Igor Pecovnik
- Change old not supported releases to EOSAR-1495Resolved issue: AR-1495Igor Pecovnik
- Move meson64 CURRENT to 6.1.yAR-1484Resolved issue: AR-1484Igor Pecovnik
- Adjust text on armbian-installAR-1481
- MOTD shows error on some devicesAR-1450Resolved issue: AR-1450Igor Pecovnik
- Replace nand-sata-install with symlink to armbian-installAR-1418Resolved issue: AR-1418Igor Pecovnik
- Add gnome-disk-utility to the desktopsAR-1417Resolved issue: AR-1417Igor Pecovnik
- Add bash shebang at the start of all .sh filesAR-1406Resolved issue: AR-1406
- MOTD is not displaying messages correctlyAR-1391Resolved issue: AR-1391Igor Pecovnik
- Duplicates in build list are causing that links are missing at download pagesAR-1386Resolved issue: AR-1386Igor Pecovnik
- Add plymouth package to base images except minimalAR-1377Resolved issue: AR-1377Igor Pecovnik
- Remove deprecated kernels from the build systemAR-1372
- Remove deprecated file-system options from installerAR-1371Igor Pecovnik
- Enable access to kernel syslog to everyoneAR-1356Igor Pecovnik
- Adjust desktop support statusAR-1351Resolved issue: AR-1351Igor Pecovnik
- Deprecating Buster and FocalAR-1350Resolved issue: AR-1350Igor Pecovnik
- Add Codium to Debian buildsAR-1338Resolved issue: AR-1338Igor Pecovnik
- Re-enable Thunderbird email client for Debian SidAR-1337Resolved issue: AR-1337Igor Pecovnik
- IP address shows empty on 1st loginAR-1331
- Deploy Chromium repo and keys to CLI images tooAR-1325Resolved issue: AR-1325Igor Pecovnik
- Replace expired GPG key for Github CLIAR-1318Resolved issue: AR-1318Igor Pecovnik
- Merging download targetAR-1303Resolved issue: AR-1303Igor Pecovnik
- Improve GitHub UXAR-1284Resolved issue: AR-1284Igor Pecovnik
- RC Testing for August 2022 ReleaseAR-1271
50 of 59
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Hash 1P6B9KA
Trace e96d6d5a1da942059c001cd6a5dc7c9f