Decide if we need Ubuntu kernel for Rpi

TheLinuxBug September 1, 2022 at 4:06 PM
Last updated to ticket suggests closing and I see no other information suggesting it should stay open for now. As such closing this ticket, it can be re-opened or a new ticket made if this issue comes up again.
Ricardo Pardini July 12, 2022 at 1:58 PM
I definitely use the distro-original kernels for both UEFI and RPi and don’t think they should be removed.
It’s not in targets.conf but people can build for it, I certainly do.
I’d say close this.
Igor Pecovnik January 12, 2022 at 7:34 PMEdited
@tkaiser is suggesting to remove default OC.
Ricardo Pardini January 11, 2022 at 6:20 PM
All that said, since this is about RPi, and not UEFI, I don’t mind at all removing ddk for RPi. On UEFI I’d like to keep.
Ricardo Pardini January 11, 2022 at 6:17 PM
Yes, getting kernel security updates in timely fashion is very important for my cloud images (the real cloud, AWS/Oracle, not for emulated-cloud-on-sbc) much more than having mainline.
Again, cloud images live happily on my fork in my userpatches/extensions folder, and since that seems to be the only non-testing reason to have distro’s default kernel, I’d be happy to move ddk code there, no problem.
Ahn, remembered. SolidRun UEFI-arm64 can boot from ddk, but not from our kernels. Dunno why, won’t discover without a board.
After enabling 5.10. y and 5.15.y from rpi repository we might not even need to have ubuntu kernel. There is problem if we put it to legacy since its tied to upstream release and can actually be very current.