Make lowest download speed limit configurable
Igor Pecovnik March 1, 2023 at 4:41 PM
We switched to next, can be closed.
Igor Pecovnik January 5, 2023 at 7:17 AM
on the other side I understand that armbian-next has an higher priority and I can help there with testing.
Yes, that is better at this stage. There are hidden bugs we need to find - as many as possible. Also for bash related - we are desperately try to refactor and we just can’t get it into motion.
Igor Pecovnik January 4, 2023 at 8:39 PM
Not sure which approach would be the best here. Easiest is to add a variable + to docs and slightly lower defaults. I would assume those were chosen arbitrary.
atone January 4, 2023 at 8:38 PMEdited
With armbian-next it doesn’t show up in the console anymore, so this is probably about perception. Prio is low anyway. But I let you decide. I thought it would be a nice exercise for me to make first experiences with GitHub/Bash/…, on the other side I understand that armbian-next has an higher priority and I can help there with testing.
Igor Pecovnik January 4, 2023 at 8:30 PM
Mechanism in NEXT is the same
Well, we need to decide if this needs attention and adjustement or not.
Currently lowest download speed limit is hardcoded to 500k (build/lib/functions/general/, line 79)
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TODO Documentation