Slow networking speed on shown by iperf3 and nuttcp

PanderMusubi September 8, 2023 at 7:19 AM
Tested PR and works on PINE64

Gunjan Gupta September 4, 2023 at 7:06 PMEdited
This is strange. I modified the code of that devfreq driver which was causing the issue to use higher frequency. But that doesn’t work on boot. Only changing the frequency or governor later seems to help. I will open a PR with this driver disabled as I am not sure its behaving the way its supposed to.

Gunjan Gupta September 4, 2023 at 3:59 PMEdited
Its not CPU frequency, its dram frequency that needs to be configured

PanderMusubi September 4, 2023 at 3:55 PM
Wednesday I can test different CPU frequencies and governor settings and report here.

Gunjan Gupta September 4, 2023 at 3:48 PMEdited
Issue is not present on debian kernel because debian kernel doesn’t have CONFIG_ARM_SUN8I_A33_MBUS_DEVFREQ enabled, which is the driver responsible for performing MDFS for allwinner boards
Several Allwinner boards are showing slow speeds on iperf3 output. The speed bumps to the expected level if htop or even something simple like watch -n 1 echo is run in parallel to tests.
The issue is known to exist on current and edge kernels. Legacy kernel is not tested to see if issue is there as well. Debian’s kernel seems to work fine though when installed on Armbian with our dtb files