[Bug]: Armbian skips rebuild updated U-boot and keeps cached
What happened?
I'm using custom board config that has a similar as rock-5b.conf U-boot post config
Mainline u-boot or Kwiboo's tree function post_family_config_branch_edge__rock-5b_use_mainline_uboot() { display_alert "$BOARD" "mainline (next branch) u-boot overrides for $BOARD / $BRANCH" "info"
declare -g BOOTCONFIG="rock5b-rk3588_defconfig" # override the default for the board/family
declare -g BOOTDELAY=1 # Wait for UART interrupt to enter UMS/RockUSB mode etc declare -g BOOTSOURCE="https://github.com/Kwiboo/u-boot-rockchip.git" # We ❤️ Kwiboo's tree declare -g BOOTBRANCH="branch:rk3xxx-2024.04" # commit:31522fe7b3c7733313e1c5eb4e340487f6000196 as of 2024-04-01 declare -g BOOTPATCHDIR="v2024.04-rock5b-radxa" # empty; defconfig changes are done in hook below declare g BOOTDIR="u-boot${BOARD}" # do not share u-boot directory declare -g UBOOT_TARGET_MAP="BL31=${RKBIN_DIR}/${BL31_BLOB} ROCKCHIP_TPL=${RKBIN_DIR}/${DDR_BLOB};;u-boot-rockchip.bin u-boot-rockchip-spi.bin" unset uboot_custom_postprocess write_uboot_platform write_uboot_platform_mtd # disable stuff from rockchip64_common; we're using binman here which does all the work already
Just use the binman-provided u-boot-rockchip.bin, which is ready-to-go function write_uboot_platform() { dd "if=$1/u-boot-rockchip.bin" "of=$2" bs=32k seek=1 conv=notrunc status=none }
What happened?
I'm using custom board config that has a similar as rock-5b.conf U-boot post config
Mainline u-boot or Kwiboo's tree
function post_family_config_branch_edge__rock-5b_use_mainline_uboot() {
display_alert "$BOARD" "mainline (next branch) u-boot overrides for $BOARD / $BRANCH" "info"
declare -g BOOTCONFIG="rock5b-rk3588_defconfig" # override the default for the board/family
declare -g BOOTDELAY=1 # Wait for UART interrupt to enter UMS/RockUSB mode etc
declare -g BOOTSOURCE="https://github.com/Kwiboo/u-boot-rockchip.git" # We ❤️ Kwiboo's tree
declare -g BOOTBRANCH="branch:rk3xxx-2024.04" # commit:31522fe7b3c7733313e1c5eb4e340487f6000196 as of 2024-04-01
declare -g BOOTPATCHDIR="v2024.04-rock5b-radxa" # empty; defconfig changes are done in hook below
declare g BOOTDIR="u-boot${BOARD}" # do not share u-boot directory
declare -g UBOOT_TARGET_MAP="BL31=${RKBIN_DIR}/${BL31_BLOB} ROCKCHIP_TPL=${RKBIN_DIR}/${DDR_BLOB};;u-boot-rockchip.bin u-boot-rockchip-spi.bin"
unset uboot_custom_postprocess write_uboot_platform write_uboot_platform_mtd # disable stuff from rockchip64_common; we're using binman here which does all the work already
Just use the binman-provided u-boot-rockchip.bin, which is ready-to-go
function write_uboot_platform() {
dd "if=$1/u-boot-rockchip.bin" "of=$2" bs=32k seek=1 conv=notrunc status=none
function write_uboot_platform_mtd() {
flashcp -v -p "$1/u-boot-rockchip-spi.bin" /dev/mtd0
If I push new commits into branch - Armbian just skips U-boot build and use cached version.
[🐳|🌱] Using cached pip packages for Python tools [ a61a78b41c898744fbc2d1d13d6a127df20406336cbe64af66bf1e075570b93e ]
[🐳|🔨] Summary: Aggregation: debootstrap: 5; rootfs: 45; image: 3; desktop: 0; apt-sources: 0; hash: 4a7eeaed1446ffd6
[🐳|🌱] artifact [ uboot :: uboot() ]
[🐳|🌱] Using cached [ GIT_INFO_UBOOT ]
[🐳|🌱] Reversioning package [ re-version 'uboot-customer-abc-vendor(deb)::2024.10-rc6-Sabb5-P0000-H272d-Vc176-Bb703-R448a' to '25.02.0-trunk' ]
How to reproduce?
Push new commits into `BOOTBRANCH` and recompile image. Result - old U-boot in output image.
main (main development branch)
On which host OS are you running the build script and observing this problem?
Ubuntu 24.04 Noble
Are you building on Windows WSL2?
[ ] Yes, my Ubuntu/Debian/OtherOS is running on WSL2
Relevant log URL
No response
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Raised by: https://github.com/bmx666