NanoPC-T4 legacy: enable USB-C DisplayPort & eDP outs

Juan April 3, 2021 at 2:42 PM
There was some bug when enabling eDP by default, reported here:
I disabled it and moved it to a overlay, in this commit:
So it should be done now.

Igor Pecovnik April 3, 2021 at 6:41 AM
This is considered done?

Juan February 18, 2021 at 8:33 PMEdited
3D acceleration works like a charm in both displays
(The apparent glitch is because when you touch the right edge of the first screen, the windows resizes for an instant to fill the right half)
As the name suggests, the fix consists in kernel config and DT changes, in order to enable DP out through USB-C, and eDP, in NanoPC-T4 legacy. It can run dual displays.
I was able to test USB-C DP, but not eDP since I don’t own a screen.