Support status of boards we are dealing with should be checked on each release and adjust accordingly. Boards that doesn't have maintainers and / or exotics - has to be declared as "community supported".
Proposed changes:
Removing property “EOS / support ended” since its the same as No official support. We don’t monitor if there is any support outside our work. We actually can’t tell if support ended.
transfering EOS to CSD and removing mentioning of EOS from docs
Hummingboard to CSC
PinebookPRO to CSC
pcDuino3 to CSC
NanoPC T3 and T3+ to CSC
Fire3 to CSC
Pine H64 to CSC
Rocpi S to WIP (mainline is completely broken ATM)
Support status of boards we are dealing with should be checked on each release and adjust accordingly. Boards that doesn't have maintainers and / or exotics - has to be declared as "community supported".
Proposed changes:
Removing property “EOS / support ended” since its the same as No official support. We don’t monitor if there is any support outside our work. We actually can’t tell if support ended.
transfering EOS to CSD and removing mentioning of EOS from docs
Hummingboard to CSC
PinebookPRO to CSC
pcDuino3 to CSC
NanoPC T3 and T3+ to CSC
Fire3 to CSC
Pine H64 to CSC
Rocpi S to WIP (mainline is completely broken ATM)