Add fancontrol script and fancontrol package to Odroid HC4 CLI bsp
Myy Miouyouyou October 16, 2021 at 5:09 PM
Alright, I’m terribly late on this one.
So, at first glance, it should only require you to put files in :
With the following content :
mdadm i2c-tools fancontrol
And :
With the following content :
install -m 644 $SRC/packages/bsp/odroidhc4/fancontrol.conf $destination/etc/fancontrol
Well, that’s for the theory, testing this with the latest armbian/build leaves me with debootstrap errors, so I’ll check what’s happening.
Myy Miouyouyou September 18, 2021 at 11:04 AM
Alright, I saw the ticket last week but just got back home this week. I’ll give this a look next week-end.

The key point in this is to see if new way of adding is simple enough and if not, how to make it simple. I wasn't been able to understand where to place files that are going to be automatically included in the BSP or to the posstinstal script. Don’t know if this was borked or I simply lost it