- Improve kernel changing procedureAR-572Resolved issue: AR-572Igor Pecovnik
- Improper order in getty override.confAR-570Resolved issue: AR-570Igor Pecovnik
- mvebu DFS seems to cause system hang under high I/OAR-548Resolved issue: AR-548Heisath
- Z28 PRO device tree doesn't exists in mainlineAR-529Resolved issue: AR-529Igor Pecovnik
- Download and verify not fully reliableAR-514Resolved issue: AR-514Igor Pecovnik
- LEDs on Helios4 not workingAR-491Resolved issue: AR-491Heisath
- Odroid C4 refuse to bootAR-484Resolved issue: AR-484Igor Pecovnik
- Mitigate Git server failuresAR-471Resolved issue: AR-471Igor Pecovnik
- Enable AUFS support backAR-467Resolved issue: AR-467Igor Pecovnik
- LCD doesn't work on Pinebook A64AR-443Resolved issue: AR-443Igor Pecovnik
- Odroid C4 legacy bootscript problemAR-441Resolved issue: AR-441Igor Pecovnik
- Errors shown at 1st login under certain conditionsAR-440Resolved issue: AR-440Igor Pecovnik
- Automated rebuilds set image status to USER_BUILTAR-439Resolved issue: AR-439Igor Pecovnik
- Installing OMV trigger kernel crash on Helios64 (maybe also other rk3399 board)AR-421Resolved issue: AR-421Chris Lee (clee)
- HTOP in Bullseye needs higher package versionAR-417Resolved issue: AR-417Igor Pecovnik
- DTB / kernel packages problemAR-408
- Bug in first login scriptAR-407Resolved issue: AR-407Igor Pecovnik
- Clear MODULES and MODULES_BLACKLIST vars in BUILD_ALLAR-406Resolved issue: AR-406Piotr Szczepanik
- Armbian config doesn't distinguish Big Little properlyAR-396Resolved issue: AR-396Igor Pecovnik
- Ask for setting locale at first runAR-393Resolved issue: AR-393Igor Pecovnik
- selinux-policy-default missing on Debian BullseyeAR-381Resolved issue: AR-381Igor Pecovnik
- H6: Desktop freezes/crashesAR-374
- CPU frequency scaling broken on H6AR-371Resolved issue: AR-3715kft
- SPI bootloader on Rockpi 4 expect GPT paritionAR-307
- Wrong RAM size on Renegade (roc-rk3328-cc) in dev and currentAR-304Resolved issue: AR-304
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During CI sometimes kernel fail to upgrade or downgrade. We ended up with a broken system without any kernel files.
CI relies on armbian-config way of kernel change.