Igor Pecovnik
Igor PecovnikFix versions
Igor Pecovnik
Igor PecovnikStory Points
Time tracking
1w logged
Created July 5, 2023 at 2:51 PM
Updated December 6, 2023 at 6:21 PM
Resolved December 6, 2023 at 6:21 PM
Our main script for testing armbian installation on hardware consist from a selection of boards that are defined in our NetBox. We are pulling a list from there, but also information where particular board is plugged to. This means we can power cycle a board in case of failure.
Logging and reporting
Since procedure runs in GitHub actions, we will store basic logs there, while data collection is done with composite Action:
In this script we define what to log from boards and how to store a chunk of data. This data is glued together in one JSON file that goes by the name of status. Current example of structure is:
We ping the board and if its accessible, uninstall kernel that is present. Then proceed with installing kernel branches that are defined in board config. Currently branches are hard coded. After each change, board is rebooted and once its back on, it collects and store data.